Fixation Final

Friday 27 September 2013

Analysis of Bring It On opening.

This is the opening scene for one of the Bring It On films.

Enigma code- There is a series of questions that i asked myself throughout this scene:
  • Why are they being rude when singing the song?
  • Why has her clothing randomly come off?
  • Why was she dreaming about this?
  • Is she already in this school or is she about to start?
  • Does she actually know the people in the squad personally?
The sound on this opening is a cheer leading song that everyone in the squad is singing, and it is clearly made just for this team. During the sounds there is a overlap of one of the girls singing, which shows that this is going to be one of the main characters in the film. At around 1.24 there is a fantasising sound in the background that will be non-diegetic sound as the characters would not be able to hear this as it is a build up for what is about to appear next. There beat of the soundtrack is very upbeat, as this in then more encouraging and makes you feel more about what the film is going to be about and the paste of the movie. During this opening scene there is more diegetic sounds as all the characters would be able to hear them because they are sounds and words they are all making and saying. The way there is a bell at the end of the clip shows is very ambiguous, because as they are cheerleader's and they are in a hall, this shows that they are in school, however when the clip changes and she is in bed the bell could also appear to be an alarm clock.

Throughout the opening scene there is not much editing as it is a direct clip that does not involve distraction. The only piece of editing that is involved is at the end when the girl is screaming in the hall, and then her clothing changes while she is still screaming, and then gradually the background changes to her being in her bedroom realising that in fact, what we just witnessed, is a dream.

Frames- There is a variety of frames in this opening scene, here are some examples.

- Here is a medium shot, this is so you can clearly see the characters facial expressions and emotions, but also makes it visible to see the background and the additional things going on behind the chosen character. You are also able to see the movement this character is making and slightly see the expressions going on behind and on the characters in the background.

-This is a long shot, of many of the characters. This ables you to see what is going on within the characters that is has focused on, and also the things going on in the background of this shot. This is so you can see the sequence that the cheerleaders are completing and see the way the crowd are reacting.

 - This is a close up frame shot, this is to show clearly the characters facial expressions and to focus on this. The director wants you to specifically know how this character is feeling. In this case she is feeling humiliated at what has just happened. You can see that she is screaming, and the creases in her forehead also show that she is frowning. From this alone you can tell that she is unhappy.

Movement- Throughout this scene there is a variety of camera movements. These include track, at the beginning of this there is a track movement that is going towards each of the people on the cheerleading squad to show who they are, and who is in the squad. Also there is a tilt down movement, as they are in the middle of their sequence and they walk in front of each other, therefore to get all the sequence in the shot the director made sure the camera tilted down, therefore it is then visible to see everything that is going on. When some of the cheerleaders are introducing themselves, the camera starts of as a medium shot and then zooms in to a close up, this is so you get a clear look at what the character looks like and acts like.

Angle- The angles in this opening is mainly neutral and high angle, this is so you are feel like you are in line with the characters when the camera is neutral and it makes you feel as though you are there. The high level angle is to show the whole squad in the shot. This is initially used to show weakness, and for the upcoming shot this is right. There is a series of angles that are shown in a high angle, which shows that there is something bad coming up.

Costume- The costume throughout this scene is all in cheerleading outfits, this shows that they are part of the squad and still go to school. The whole squad is matching colours, all the girls are wearing the same and all the boys are wearing the same. The costumes that the characters in the background are wearing is all the same colour, red, which shows that this is the schools colour. The colour red symbolises evil, and through this clip evil is definitely shown as when the top half of her clothing comes off, everyone points and laughs at the girl when she must be feeling humiliated.

Lighting- The lighting in this scene is all the same and just the same lighting as it would be in  a school gym. It is all bright which shows a happy mood and gives off a typical American movie type.

Actors- The actors in this opening all vary their attitudes and the way they act, at the beginning of the scene when the camera is tracking through all of the cheerleading squad, the girl at the end is clearly the team captain of this squad. The way she acts clearly shows that she is very stuck up and loves herself. Also when the girls are introducing themselves the camera, one of them blows a kiss... This shows that she is very confident and is very fond of herself. She also probably feels very popular with the boys. The main character is shown to want to be apart of this squad, and trys very hard to become popular and act like the others do, but when you see that this is not a dream your perception of this character changes and you seem to think that she could in fact be a nice girl who is just trying to fit in, perhaps, a new school.

Props- In this opening scene there is a clear prop that is essential in any chearleader movie. The cheerleaders and the people in the background all use pompoms. This represnts their social status as cheerleaders are usually the popular people in the school. Also, in the girls bedroom there is a lot of rosettes behind her, which show that she must be very good at something to be winning these because of her performances.

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