Fixation Final

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Opening scene for Scream.

Enigma Code- There is a variety of questions that are asked through this opening scene:
  • Why does she constantly keep answering the phone to the same stranger?
  • Why does she pretend she does not have a boyfriend when she does?
  • Why is the swing swinging when no one is on it?
  • Why doesn't she call someone for help?

Sound- A major part of the sound in this movie is the persons voice on the other end of the phone, he has has quite a mysterious dialogue and is very recognisable. Also the fact that his voice is an off screen sound, which makes you wonder who he is, what he looks like and why is he calling this girl. The sound in this opening scene is a girl screaming and the sound of a knife getting stabbed into wood. Also a repetitive sound in this opening scene is the ringing of a phone, which is against a silent background, this makes it a lot more scary.This is diegetic sound. Also how the sound is repeated a series of times this distinguishes the fact that the phone call is going to be the same person at the end of the line, and that the outcome is not going to be good. Also, when the camera is outside there is a sort of night time sound with crickets. This will be non-diegetic sound. This creates a mysterious vibe. Also there is the sound of a rocking swing which is creaking, but when the camera gets to it, there is nobody there. A lot of the noises in this movie are mysterious and daunting and make you nervous to see the upcoming event.

Editing- There is no editing in this opening shot, each shot just flicks from each other. The camera tends to follow the main character a lot, and when it doesn't the camera just changes each shot to appear to the next one.

 - This is a medium shot, this is so that you can see the characters expressions, and you can also see what is going on in the background and can clearly see the surrounding that she is in. You can see the background and keep an eye and see if anything is happening behind her.

- This is a close up shot, which ables you to see the characters expression. From this you can clearly see that she is distressed and upset due to the severe crying face that she has. She is obviously very scared. This shot is made so that you can focus clearly on her emotions and to make sure that you know she is feeling this way.

In this scene there is a series of movement shots. To start with there is a pan down shot, which gives you a mysterious feeling as you want to know what is going to be at the end of the shot and also makes you scared to watch. Also there is another movement of t5rack, this follows the character around the house at a steady paste so you can see her in the right way. There is another movement shot that is meant to be from her point of view, where the camera repetitively pans left and right and up and down to create a shot that makes it look like the character is looking at the camera is in her eyes.

The angle is this opening is only neutral which then makes you feel as though you are there with the character and in her presence. It is mostly in her eye site so that you can feel like you are in the scene with her. You can then see everything as she See's things so it is a lot more realistic.

Mise en scene
Costume- The clothing that the character is wearing is quite normal, therefore this shows that this character is just a normal person and that the predator does not go for specific people, he just chooses normal, vulnerable young girls to victimise. The colour of her clothing is quite light, as her jumper is white/cream. This shows innocence within the character, and that she does not deserve to be victimised like she has been and that she has not done anything wrong to deserve the pain and torture that she is about to go through. This shows that the killer is just in it for the game, not for revenge or karma. As he is killing innocent people, not people that have personally hated him/her or people that have done bad.

Lighting- The lighting in this opening scene varies. As inside the house it is just normal lighting from house lights, but outside is is very dark, which indicates this is in the night. Most horror films are typically set at night as this shows that it is a lot more scary and people are more likely to be on their own at night. Also, at nighttime people are not so obvious to be seen and can hide, and this is the whole point of the predator, hiding from the victim and playing games with them. In one of the shots, shown about on the second frame shot, there is white patio doors, and in the background(outside|) it is black. This is juxtaposed so you can see the major contrast on the setting outside the house, so you can tell that it is night time and that everything is becoming more scary now that it is turned into night. This makes you think that the killer only acts when it is night, then they have less chance of being caught as it is dark and therefore it is easier to hide.

Actors- There is only one actor visible in this opening scene, this shows that she is going to be the victim and she is not going to survive this outcome. They way only one character has been put into the opening scene shows the typical 'being alone' when something bad happens, movie setting. This shows that there is no help and there is no way she can get out of this. It puts all the focus into one person and describes nearly the whole film is just this opening. It shows that this is going to happen to a lot of people, and when the phone rings for a different character then you know what to expect and you know that they are the next victim to be chosen.

Props- A typical prop in this opening scene is the set of knives in the kitchen that the character plays with, but little does she know that this will be the murder weapon in the end. Also, the phone is used for a major prop in this, as if she did not keep answering the phone then this probably would not of happened. Also the popcorn that she is cooking shows the time that she is on the phone for, as while the popcorn is cooking and she is on the phone you can continuously hear the popping in the background to indicate that she is still cooking the popcorn and that it is not based over a long period of time.

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