Fixation Final

Thursday 28 November 2013

Film Posters/ Research and Feedback

Here are some posters that we made. We put them together taking into consideration the different posters that are already out there that advertise films. We have made a selection and are continuing to develop our posters until we are happy with them and until they are going to appeal to our target audience.

We then decided ourselves that the posters needed to announce the names and casts of the film production in a more professional way, therefore we developed our idea and took inspiration. This is the research we found and used to be inspired by to make our own posters.

We then made these posters and went around and asked people for their feedback. We gained some research and some notes from the people we asked which helped us improve the posters. Some of the points, like add colour, we through of but we did not think that it worked and gave off the wrong impression of our film.
We though the coloured image gave off more a horror affect and because our film is a thriller, we did not want to confuse the audience and give them the impression it was a horror movie when it is a thriller.

This is the research we got from the public.

We asked every person a range of questions.
1) What is the genre of the film?
2) Who is the victim out of the 2 characters in the posters?
3) Can you tell what the film is about?
4) Is there anything we could improve?

What is the genre of the film?
All of the people we questioned guessed that the film was a thriller, so there is nothing that we need to change in that theme of the poster as it has given off the impression we want it to.

Who is the victim out of the 2 characters in the posters?
All of the people guessed that the victim was the boy and everyone guessed that the woman was the predator. They said that the woman looks more serious and aggressive than the boy.

Can you tell what the film is about?
Everyone we asked guessed that the film was going to be about conflict with the two characters and gathered that from the title 'Fixation' that the woman was going to be obsessed with the boy in some way.

Is there anything we could improve?
They said that a way we could improve would to be to add colour or change the expressions as they could  not tell the differentiation between the two characters. So maybe make the woman bigger than the man.

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