Fixation Final

Friday 25 October 2013

Film openings

 Here I found a film opening that I thought was very successful and a lot of work has clearly been put into creating this. I think the titles of this film opening were very successful, and at the beginning of the film the shot from the sky was very impressive. The typography is very clear and decisive, which shows the direct emotion we will gain from viewing the film. The camera angles are also very impressive, as they have used a big variety. They create good effects and do what they are supposed to and make you feel a certain way. For example when the main focus is on the key, this shows you that the key will be a key prop in the film and will be something they have to look out for. I think the use of flashbacks are very impressive, as you can tell they are flashbacks from the blurred effects put on the top of the shots. Overall i would give this 53 marks because i think it is very professional and it is something that a real film company could release, it is clear that it is a thriller because of the violent flashbacks that are shown. The titles are very impressive and the acting is also very good. They use a variety of camera angles and the effects are used well as they show when the flashback is and when it is real life. Also the mise en scene is very good because everything fits the genre. There is a clear enigma code in this opening scene and I found to be asking myself a series of questions.
  • Why did the flashbacks happen to the girl?
  • Who did this to her?
  • How long has it taken her to recover?
  • What happens next?

The music that plays gives a clear idea to the audience that the genre is thriller. When the word 'run' is shouted, it gives an immediate enigma and makes the audience answer a series of questions from this one word alone. I think the editing was very good, especially when the girl wakes up and it cuts as it is a very smooth and sharp transition. Most of the lighting is dark, which gives across clearly the horror genre as most conventions in horror movies are dark lighting. Also there is a good variety of camera angles and there is lots of different camera shots which shows a wide range of ability. When the girl is pouring a cup of tea, you get distracted as the music preferably fits a Ron-com movie instead of a thriller. The titles are not very associative to the genre, and they tend to be quite boring which gives the audience no idea on the genre. I would give this film opening 48, which is a level four because there is a good use of camera angles and camera shots. They could have done more in the editing aspect of things, like making the transitions more appropriate to the genre. They also could have made their titles a lot more interesting which would attract the audience a lot more.

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