Fixation Final

Thursday 3 October 2013

Step brothers opening scene

Enigma code- You are constantly asking yourself questions whilst watching this opening scene:
  • Why do these two men not have jobs?
  • Why is the Dad giving the son money for food when he is old enough to earn money himself?
  • Why is he eating junk food for breakfast?
  • Why do the two parents kiss at the end?
  • Do they know each other?
Sound- The sound in this opening scene is opening a packet of crisps and sprinkling cheese on the top, with a crunchy tone, this is diegetic sound. This shows that the character making this food comes across as a bit of a slob, as it appears that he probably does not know how to make anything else so he has resulted in eating junk food and not a proper breakfast. There is a background song that is Non- Diegetic as the characters cannot hear this, but it tells us that it is going to be a comedy movie and makes you feel happy. This is a happy song for the scene for the 2 brothers, this shows that they are happy and carefree people, and also a little childish by the way they are acting. For example, one of the brothers is playing with a game guitar, when he is roughly about 20 years old... This shows that he is not very independent and because they both live with their parents still, it shows that they are not very responsible. When the setting changes into the conference hall, the music changes and turns slow. This shows that these characters are sort of boring and are not as happy and jolly as the others. Then, when the topic of conversation changes and becomes more funny, the song then becomes more upbeat again. This is changing the situation with what we hear. Also in the first 18 seconds, there is off screen sound which makes you wonder what the noise actually is, and it appears to be rustling a food packet. Also, there is off screen sound when a son is talking to his father, and the father is talking back. This shows he is talking to his Dad from a distance. Also the dialogue for each character varies, as he the parents talk a lot more formal than the children, therefore this shows they are higher educated.

Editing- There is not much editing in this opening scene, it just flips from shot to shot. This carries out smoothly and changes each shot from each other and carries them on. However, the only form of editing in this opening shot is the writing that is put over the top of each shot. This is introducing who is in the film and announcing what characters are being played when they are shown on the screen. The camera is concentrating on certain characters, and is showing you different incites to each persons home. For example in both homes the parent is professional and independent, but the child is very childish and not independent at all. This is shown because each shot flicks from one to another. The typography on this opening scene is a sort of fun font, and quite childish. This shows us that the children are not very educated and it is going to be a childish sort of film.

- This is a close up shot, and this is to show the characters expression in this particular scene. This is done so that you know how the character is feeling, which then makes you feel this way too. In this scene the character is very concentrated as he is trying to find something, but the fact that he is trying to find something in the dirty wash and is smelling pieces of clothing to check if they smell or not shows that he is not very grown up.

 -This is a medium shot, which ables you to see who is in the shot, see their expression, see what they are doing and see the background. Here, you can see that the character is very concentrated and is focusing on something, also he is eating his breakfast. You can also see that his background is formal and tidy, which shows he must have a wealthy family.

Movement- The movement in this opening scene is a Pan left. This is then drawing your attention to the focus and the main point, which in this case is the character speaking. It draws attention and builds up that it is in fact the Father in previous clips that is in charge of the conference, which shows that he is highly educated and also successful. Also, it shows attention to the chandelier, indicating that it is a upper class meeting as the chandelier will represent money and class. Also part of the movgem4ent is pan up, which starts off at a point and then moves up to create more attention to the final point and final shot.

Angle- The angles on most shots are neutral and quite focal, to draw your attention to specific props in the scene, for example the foods at the beginning. At the end of the opening scene, in the conference hall, there is a high angle shot, this allowes you to see what is going on in the hall and see all of the people that are involved. Also there is a shot from below looking up to the conference speaker, this is showing importance within this character and as the camera is looking up, it shows that they are important and you should respect him.

Mise en scene.

The costumes in this image varies, as each character is wearing different things, obviously to show different class and different personalities. The first character shown in the clip is wearing his pyjamas, this shows that he obviously does not have anything to do and he has not made himself independent in his life yet, as he is relying on his Mothers care and is still sitting watching TV in his pyjamas and eating food, and not getting ready for work or to start a hobby. On the other hand his mother is dresses in a formal suit, which shows that her job must be upper class and she may earn a lot of money. It shows that she is independent and does a lot for herself. She also has a big bag with her, which indicates she has files and notes in there to do with her job. Also the others Son in this clip is also wearing childish rock clothing, that appear to be too small. He is playing guitar hero and looks like he has dressed up to feel a part of the game.l This shows that he is still childish as he wants to do things that children would do. On the other hand, the Dad is wearing a suit and tie, which shows he is also very high class and is important. He will have a good job and he is getting ready to go.

The lighting in this film is neutral, all the light comes from natural resources, for example the room lights and the light peering in from the window. However in the conference the light becomes brighter which is showing you need to take notice and is is a important and active scene and discussion. Whereas in the boys house it is darker because they are not doing anything and there is nothing to look forward to.

The actors in this film are originally quite successful and appear in popular, high budget films. Will Ferrell is particularly shown in comedic films, so seeing him at the beginning and seeing his name appear show that the film is going to be funny and a comedy. As the camera frequently shots between there four characters, it shows that these are going to be the characters that are most important in the film and then the two sons then join and become 'step brothers' which is what the film will be able. The two parents in the film show that they are high class and work and earn their own money, however the children juxtapose this lifestyle as they do not do anything and just sit around and do nothing throughout the day. They also take part in childish things such as play video games.

A prop in this scene will be the guitar that one of the characters is playing on. This indicates that he is still a child as he still plays computer games when he is an adult. The fact that also he does nothing else but play this game and order food also shows that he is a bit of a slob as he has no interest in going to find a job to help his Father with paying bills. Another prop will be all of the junk food that another character is eating, as it shows that he is going to lounge around all day doing nothing but eating junk food and watching TV.

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