Fixation Final

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Peer analysis for Juno Openings

How was the use of camera shots?
Use of editing?
Use of lighting?
Overall success of video
 Charlotte, Ben and Ben

 In their camera shots they have used a variety of different shots to show their skills. They have used long shots to show the character and the surroundings behind and next to them. They also have used a close up shot of the shoes, this is to show clearly that throughout the shoes have a key importance throughout as you are constantly watching her steps and seeing where she is going. They have used a medium shot to show the facial expressions and also where she is, so you can see that she is in the street. They have also used a over the shoulder shot so you can see from behind her, to where she is going. They have also used track shots to make sure that the camera is still when it is moving in the motion that the character is walking in.
 During this clip, they have used an effect that makes the scene look animated, and this is good because this is what happens in the real Juno opening. Also they have used transitions from each shot to move it into the next one, this then elegantly and dramatically changes each shot and carries it out to the next one.
 The use of lighting in this scene is just daylight, this is the same as the original clip. This is good as the task that we was given is to remake the Juno opening scene as similar to the original as possible, and in the original the lighting was just the daytime light to show the setting.
 I think that the overall success of this video is very good, as it is very similar to the original. The only problem I have with this opening scene is that the transitions are not similar to the original. But I feel that they have successfully, in order, arranged and filmed each shots to make them the same as the original. They have used a sort of animated effect on each clip to make it as animated as they could to make it look like the same as the real Juno opening scene.
James and Megan
 They have successfully used all of the shots that are in the Juno opening, including the high shot at the end of the scene. They have been very accurate with each shot and the angle that they have used. The only thing with this, is that when they was doing the track shot is that it is not very steady and the camera does wobble. They have also used close up of the shoes, and also the bottle. As the bottle is a key prop in the opening and she is drinking it throughout it. They have also used a over the shoulder shot and a medium shot in their scene, just like in the original.
 Throughout their clips there is no visible editing that has been used, and I cannot see whether they have edited their clips or not. However, they have used transitions to carry on each clip and lead it on to the next one, just like in the original scene.
 The use of lighting is just in the daylight, which shows the setting of the scene. This is just like the original and that was the task everyone was given.
 Overall I think the video is good, but it could improve in many ways. They could include edits to make it more like the original and make it seem like they have tried to make it like the proper scene. Also, when they did the track shots they could of used some form of equipment to make it more of a smooth clip. However I do think that their use of camera shots was good and very much like the real scene. When walking in most of the clips the actor was walking a lot faster than the real Juno, so they could have used slow motion.

 Kaitlyn, George and Sarah

 They have used all of the correct camera shots in this scene just like the original opening. They have used long shots to show the surroundings of the actor but you can still clearly see them in the shot. The have also used medium shots to show the expressions and gestures, but also you can see what is going on in the background. Their track shot is very steady and looks professional.
 In their editing they have used an effect to also make their scene look more like the original, and made it look animated. This looks good. They did use transitions but they were not accurate to the original and was very upbeat.
 The use of lighting is just in the daylight, which shows the setting of the scene. This is just like the original and that was the task, and it was successfully completed.
 Overall I think that their Juno clip was very good, as I think the shots were very accurate compared to the original. When they used a track shot they made it professional by making it steady. When editing they could have made the transitions similar to the original.
James and Emma
In their opening scene, the camera shots are very good as they are very accurate to the original opening. They have used all of the shots that are originally used, but they have changed some of how they are filmed. Their track shot is very steady and looks very professional. They have medium shots to show the expression on the characters face just like in the real Juno opening scene. Some of the shots are a bit rushed, and this causes them to look out of place, however all of the rest are very good and professional.
In the editing, it is clear that they have put a brighter effect at the beginning and then, and then in the middle they have made it look darker. In my opinion I do not feel as though this works because it hurts my eyes and makes the picture not clear. They did not use any transitions, when to make it like the original this was a key feature that was needed.
The use of light changes throughout due to the effects, but the only natural light that appears in this scene is the light from the sun. And this natural light is similar to the original but I feel that they have ruined it by putting the obvious lighting effect on.
Overall I think their video varies with success. I do not think the editing is very successful because they have not used transitions and used lighting effects when the light should have been natural. However the timing of each of their clips was very natural to the original and looks very much like the real Juno opening scene.  When walking in most of the clips the actor was walking a lot faster than the real Juno, so they could have used slow motion.

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